Monday, September 27, 2010


Great Pacific Garbage Patch (article)
Seas of Plastic (TED video 7.23)

You may want your students to read about the "Pacific Gyre" before viewing the video.  Above is a link to a Wikipedia article regarding same.  If you'd like me to make you copies, please advise me.  Please try to give two days' notice. 

Journaling/discussion questions:
a.  What plastic objects do you use in your daily life?
b.  What plastic items do you feel you or your family could not do without?
c.  Are there any plastic items you feel society could not do without?
d.  Are there three plastic items you could do without?  What can replace these items?
e.  Are there three plastic items your family could do without?  What can replace these items?
f.  Are there any plastic items at school we can do without? What can replace these items?
g.  How can we educate our communities about this problem?

2.  Manufacured Landscapes (TED video: 34:25)

1.  Photographs of Landscape of Oil (TED video: 3:40)
You may want to pause the video on these pictures for students to discuss.